The Hannya mask, which once symbolized pain and revenge, now represented justice and protection. Ayame, the Shadow of the Cherry Blossoms...
Kyoto, 2077. The last Ronin faces the shadows of the city dominated by the Shogun of Tokyo. Betrayed by destiny and without a master, she...
2048 x 2048 PNG | Digital Artwork by Yomu Yakadashi 2024
Yahata no Kami (八幡神), also known as Hachiman, is one of the most important deities in the Shinto pantheon of Japan. He is widely revered as...
In a remote village in feudal Japan, Kaede loved the samurai Takeshi, whose death devastated her. Her suffering turned her into a hannya...
In Imperial Japan, the fearless kunoichi Hikari rose as a strategic leader, defying societal norms by commanding armies with mastery. Her...
Kyoto, year 2157 Hikari is a legendary figure. Trained in the secret arts of the samurais, she has become the city's invisible warrior...
In Japan, stood the enigmatic Morning Star, a woman whose beauty and mystery echoed like a myth. Dressed in traditional elegance, her eyes...
For millennia, a centennial cherry tree harbored a Hannya mask, half black, half pink, containing the soul of a kunoichi. On an enchanted...
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